Heide Jiko Kohl was born in Mannheim in 1962 and at the age of 30 decided to really dedicate herself to zen practice. She was trained as a social worker and now works as systemic family therapist and in the field of educational support.
In 2019 she moved with her husband to the district of Lörrach, in the sunny south of Germany. She offers a zen course through the Volksbildungswerk Efringen-Kirchen. In May 2022 she was ordained by Jiun Hogen roshi as a zen teacher, with the name Jiko (Light of Compassion).
Nicht müde werden,
sondern dem Wunder
wie einem Vogel,
die Hand hinhalten.
Hilde Domin
Do not get tired
but to the miracle
like to a bird,
hold out a hand.
Hilde Domin
email heide.kohl@t-online.de