Brigitte Luz-Mani Hoth was born in 1958 in Santiago/Chile, experiencing throughout her childhood the impermanence as well as the enrichment of living in different cultures and countries. Later, her professional life offered her the gift of working as a nurse, musician, and music teacher. She is the mother of an adult daughter.
Seeking to understand her suffering, she came into contact with yoga, meditation and Buddhism when she was in her early twenties. Although she always appreciated the inspirational treasures of other Buddhist traditions as well, in 1995 she found her spiritual home in zen and IZI, with a close connection to the Spanish sangha. In September 2023, Tetsue roshi ordained her as a zen teacher and gave her the name Luz-Mani (Jewel of Light).
Since 2011 she has gratefully shared what she herself has been taught, leading meditation groups in her residential city of Mönchengladbach, Germany.