Hakuin - Monkey reaching for the reflection of the moon
International Zen Institute
The International Zen Institute was founded in 1983 by Zen master Gesshin Myoko Prabhasa Dharma in Los Angeles. The aim of IZI is to propagate Zen Buddhist teaching and practice throughout Western society.
In 1996, IZI opened a training center in the Netherlands: the International Zen Center Noorder Poort. Sadly enough, Prabhasa Dharma zenji could only come for two summer training periods to Noorder Poort. Then she became seriously ill. Jiun roshi was with her when Prabhasa Dharma zenji passed away on May 24th, 1999, in Los Angeles.
In March, 2005 IZI moved from Los Angeles to Wapserveen in the Netherlands.
Jiun Hogen roshi, Dharma successor to Prabhasa Dharma zenji, is the present spiritual leader of IZI. She lives and works in the International Zen Center Noorder Poort.
Read more about Gesshin Myoko Prabhasa Dharma zenji and the tradition supporting both her and Jiun Hogen roshi.
National Institutes
The Netherlands, Germany, Spain and America all have national Zen institutes. They support activities and initiatives from the teachers and Zen groups in their own country. The links connect to their websites in the local language.
- The International Zen Institute of Florida (IZIF) in the US,
- Internationales Zen Institut Deutschland (IZID) in Germany,
- Internationaal Zen Instituut Nederland (IZIN) in The Netherlands,
- Instituto Internacional Zen de EspaƱa (IIZE) in Spain
On the organizational level they are independent. But in the spirit of the Dharma, the Buddhist teachings, they are one.
Friends of Noorder Poort
In 2002, an organisation was founded to support the Noorder Poort financially: the stichting Vrienden van de Noorder Poort (Friends of Noorder Poort Foundation). Thanks to this Foundation, the Noorder Poort has been able to finance a number of projects which could not have been paid from the regular budget. The most important ones were the renovation of the center's traditional thatched roof and the realization of kinhin paths and pools on the grounds of Noorder Poort, making outdoor kinhin superbly attractive.
The IZI organisation in a picture