Frank Hoshin Richter was born in Nordhorn (Lower Saxony, Germany) in 1968 and lives with his wife in Hamburg. He works as a lawyer for an insurance company. He began his zen path in the late 1990s as a student of zen teacher Shinsei Nicolai. Since 2001 he has regularly participated in dai sesshins led by Jiun Hogen roshi. In 2020 he was elected deputy chairman of the International Zen Institute of Germany (IZID).
In 2022, Jiun Hogen roshi ordained him as a zen teacher with the name Hoshin (Faith in the Dharma). Together with the zen teachers Susanne Jisei Backner and Ute Jinen von Münchow-Pohl, he leads the Monday meditation group in Hamburg-Ottensen.
email: frankrichter@web.de