Myōshin (1953) studied sociology, economy and philosophy and was also trained as a therapist, specialized in bio-energetics and gestalt therapy. She worked as a politician and from 1987 as leader of a therapeutic-spiritual centre. In 1990 she met Prabhasa Dharma zenji, which started her on the Zen way. In 2008 this brought her to the International Zen Center Noorder Poort for intensive training as an unsui. Myōshin (Wonderous Heart-Mind) was ordained as a Zen teacher by Jiun Hogen roshi in 2016, and as an osho in 2019. As an osho she received the name Jigen (Compassion Origin Manifested). In 2018 she went back to Germany, where she now lives and works at the Dharmahaus Eskirchen. She guides programs at this Dharmahaus as well as various sesshins at Noorder Poort.
On May 5, 2023 she was given transmission as a zen master.
email: myoshin.zeitler@web.de