Please transfer your gift into account
IBAN: NL 54 TRIO 0320152901 BIC: TRIONL2U
Accountholder: Stichting Vrienden van de Noorder Poort
Butenweg 1, 8351GC, Wapserveen, The Netherlands
Please mention on your transfer either annual donation or one-time donation
Gifts may be tax deductible
In the Netherlands, the SVNP is qualified as an ANBI, a foundation aimed at public benefit. Within the European Union, gifts to such foundations may be tax deductible. Ask the tax authorities in your country for details.
Are you enthusiastic and do you want to contribute? You can do so
- By transferring at least € 17,50 per year into our bank account;
- By issuing a direct debit authorization for an annual gift (Dutch or German only);
- By transferring 400 euros once, thus becoming a Friend for life.
Maybe you want to make a donation but you do not want to receive further information or invitations from the SVNP. That is also possible. Please mention this with your transfer or on the authorization form.
If you have questions about a periodical gift or about donating larger amounts, or if you are considering including Noorder Poort or the SVNP in your Will, you can always call Modana de Wit-Rouw, +31-6-48106670.